A diversion

You know, the timestamp on this blog thing is brutal. The last post was May 3. Today is… a fair amount later.

The delay, in part, is due to my pondering what my next post might be about when sooooo little is happening our lives. Desperation finally led to the following thought process:

Hey! I haven’t really fully explored the various pets in our lives and their backstories – that’s a gap! And since our pets were the focus of our last holiday card, I could use that to get the ball rolling (easy peasy) and then I could have a post on each of the various pets and that would run me out till…a while, right? And if actually interesting things happen during that time (e.g., amazing Stanford students graduating from college), well, they will have to wait their turns to be chronicled!

When I came up with this “idea” I felt just as I had as a student when I finally figured out how I was going to fill up the 10 pages of that term paper.

Now — the holiday card is a good place to start because it will orient you both to our family’s pets and the oddities entailed in trying to impress family and friends at that time of year. You’ll see that we are not so impressive. Apologies are due here to family and friends — who I have to assume make up the large bulk of my readership at this point — for having to see our holiday card not once but twice. Ok, with no further ado, here it is!

Page 1 of our letter!
And here is page 2

Now, a sad epilogue here, friends: since the card was written, the fish have been…eaten! Presumably by the great blue heron who visited our yard and thought: buffet lunch! The fish did have an excellent run (4 years in our pond). My favorite memory of them was how they liked to cluster under the little running fountain, as if they were at a water park. 

Ok, so now we’re kickstarted with regard to this pet endeavor, except SOMEONE WAS LEFT OFF THE HOLIDAY CARD. Jonathan and Lucy claimed this was because of “space constraints.” So here, I will rectify that omission. Roomba absolutely earned her spot on the card. Do any of you own a Roomba? They are the best. Roomba asks so little and does so much. In our house, because of my son’s penchant for vacuuming, Roomba is pretty busy, only making little sad sounds occasionally about being tangled up in carpet threads. I adore Roomba.

And of course, in the interest of a complete census, we now have our beautiful girls! Here they are in their chick-to-hen glory, now at 10 weeks of age. Given my new plan, happily, we will have plenty of time to visit with their personalities, etc., in future posts.

Clockwise from bottom right: Chickpea (aka Chipotle); Pepper (aka Pepper Potts, Pepsi); Sunshine (what more does one need to say); Fluff; and Harpy.

Published by Lianne Kurina

I am an epidemiologist, the proud director of the Program in Human Biology at Stanford University, and a very keen horsewoman.

One thought on “A diversion

  1. What a beautiful, amazing family you have, Lianne! Reading about all of you really brightened my day. Thank you for sharing. 🙂


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